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Gigawatt PC4 Evo+ - woensdag 9 januari 2019

Hi Fi Review (Hong Kong, September 2018) has published a review of the latest version of the PC-4 EVO+ conditioner
De eerste test van de nieuwe Gigawatt PC-4 EVO+ is uit. Deze is getest met de Audio Research 160 watt monoblokken, en de dynamiek was overweldigend. Alles klinkt veel natuurlijker, zuiverder, als "kristalhelder water". De hele review staat op de website van Gigawatt, maar je moet dan wel een beetje Chinees kunnen lezen.
"The sound of PC-4 EVO+ is very clear and natural – invigorating, like mountain spring water. The conditioner does not add excessive cold and artificial color to the sound, it reveals a clean, natural side of the recordings and equipment.”

"The dynamic fluctuations with PC-4 EVO+ are very fast, and clean. Replaying the "Danza Pastorale: Allegro” of Lu Siqing’s "Four Seasons:Spring”, the violin is light and sweet in high definition, the string group is dense and delicate, light and lively. The soft sound is full of air and full of life.
Replaying the Allegro of the "Summer”, we hear the powerful stringing and squeaking of the hot sparks. The energy is abundant, and the powerful stereoscopic image is revealed! 
With the PC-4 EVO+, the dynamic margin is far-reaching. The bounce is stronger, the sharpness is higher, each note contains a richer level, the resonance structure is more differentiated, the mute details are better. And it is like if the sraight line was more straight. The beauty of the rise and fall!
I disconnect the PC-4 EVO+ and listen again. Everything came unpredictable! When the full set of audio system is powered by PC-4 EVO+, the sound is not limited in anything. On the contrary – we get a fierce, full of vitality dragon. The lower registers go down even at the edge, they are strong and powerful. Don’t forget that the amplifier is a pair of Audio Research Reference 160M large monophony with 4 KT150 strong-release tubes per channel. This is the most complete energy test that shows how powerful the PC-4 EVO + capabilities are.

Replaying the "Dynamic Experience Classics Volume 1” "Stravinsky : Firebird”, the bass drum is still playing strongly. The drum skin is thick and tough, and the residual sound is vibrating. The energy texture is abundant, the tapping is vivid. A powerful group of strings harmonizes with the voices creating a broad, dynamically unlimited sound field with a simultaneous high degree of clarity, accuracy and balance.”
Author – Le Dexun
Ohm-Audio 2019-01


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